Wing Twist

  Wing twist is of two types named as geometric twist and aerodynamic twist:- Geometric Twist Different angles of attack at wing root and tip. Wash in Tip chord has a higher angle of attack than that of root chord. Wash out Angle of attack at tip is lower than that at wing root. It is useful in reducing tip vortices. Aerodynamic Twist Difference between zero-lift lines of airfoils at wing root and near the tip. Airfoils at root and near the tip have different zero lift angles of attack.

Types of Aircraft

Aircrafts can be classified into various types depending on the mode of classification like no. of powerplants, position of wing, speed, tail configuration, size, Utility (Military, Civil), etc. Broadly they can be classified at air as a parameter which gives 
1. Lighter than Air Aircraft (also known as Aerostats)
2. Heavier than air Aircraft (also known as Aerodynes)

Lighter than Air      

Any aircraft kept skywards by a gas, lighter than air contained by the craft is known as an aerostat.
Examples of Aerostat are:-

Kite Balloons



Heavier than Air 

Aerodyne is the name for all heavier than air aircrafts. Basically, all the aircrafts, which derive lift from aerodynamic forces falls into this category. Further classified on the basis of power supply.

Non-Engine Driven

These aircrafts do not have a power supply and only uses aerodynamic forces to be airborne for longer

Gliders or Sailplanes


Engine Driven 

Alongside with aerodynamic forces, these aircrafts are aided with engines or powerplants for sustaining flight. Based on the lift producing surface, these are categorized as:-

1. Airplane   

 These are the fixed wing span aircraft where power is provided by engine around the fuselage. As per their taking off mechanism these are named as- 

Land Plane 

The airplane with landing gears which can takeoff from runway only.

Sea Plane   

Airplanes with ability to take off or land on sea only. Having floating pads instead of landing gears (Float Plane) or hull like boat for buoyancy (Flying boat).

Flying Boat
Float Plane


 Airplane with aptness to takeoff  and land on both land and sea.

2.  Rotary Wing Aircrafts 

Machines that produce lift by rotating wings or propellers which are further tabulated on the premise of orientation and position of rotating wings as:-


A helicopter is a rotorcraft in which lift and thrust are supplied by horizontally spinning rotors which features it for vertical takeoff and landing or to hover at a particular point in space. Depending upon  the configuration of rotors, these are sorted as follows :-

Tandem Rotor
Single Main Rotor with Tail rotor


Side-by-side Non-Intermeshing Rotor

Coaxial Rotor

Side-by-side Intermeshing Rotor

Also known as autogyro is a type of aircraft which uses an unpowered rotor in free rotation to produce lift and forward thrust by a separate engine driven propeller.

3. Ornithopter  

An aircraft that flies by flapping its wings. Designed to imitate the flapping wing flight of birds.   




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