
Showing posts from January, 2021

Wing Twist

  Wing twist is of two types named as geometric twist and aerodynamic twist:- Geometric Twist Different angles of attack at wing root and tip. Wash in Tip chord has a higher angle of attack than that of root chord. Wash out Angle of attack at tip is lower than that at wing root. It is useful in reducing tip vortices. Aerodynamic Twist Difference between zero-lift lines of airfoils at wing root and near the tip. Airfoils at root and near the tip have different zero lift angles of attack.

Role of Camber in an Aerofoil

Camber is defined as the convexity of the curvature of an Aerofoil from leading edge to the trailing edge. It is the fundamental component of Aerofoil design which varies with the volitional speed, strength and purpose of the Aerofoil. The Greater the camber of the center line (line equidistant from leading and trailing edge) the more convex will be the upper surface. When upper and lower surfaces are mirror images, that leads to the mean camber line to be coincident with chord line then, airfoil is called as uncambered airfoil or airfoil of zero camber.  Uncambered Airfoils are also known as Symmetric Airfoils as mean camber line coincides with the chord line. Camber creates a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil even at zero angle of attack, as air flows at a higher velocity on the upper surface compared to lower surface which creates a low pressure at upper surface and high pressure at lower surface, due to which there is a generation of lift ...

Static vs Dynamic Stability

  Is your Aircraft stable? Let's see what defines stability for an aircraft over time. Stability Stability is the ability of an aircraft to encounter with the disturbances produced by turbulence, wind gust and flight control inputs to continue with a placid and safe motion. A stable aircraft is said to have equilibrium in flight. The stability of an aircraft is judged on the basis of two phenomena known as static an dynamic stability. Static Stability   Static stability is the initial tendency of an aircraft to return to its equilibrium position. Let's say if an aircraft is disturbed by a wind gust and tends to reach its previous equilibrium then, its said to be statically stable.    Dynamic Stability Dynamic stability is the time history of an aircraft's motion after it initially responds to static stability. Being statically stable doesn't guarantee an airplane the dynamic stability because   after reacting to the disturbance it might go away from the neutra...

Types of Aircraft

Aircrafts can be classified into various types depending on the mode of classification like no. of powerplants, position of wing, speed, tail configuration, size, Utility (Military, Civil), etc. Broadly they can be classified at air as a parameter which gives  1. Lighter than Air Aircraft (also known as Aerostats ) 2. Heavier than air Aircraft (also known as Aerodynes ) Lighter than Air        Any aircraft kept skywards by a gas, lighter than air contained by the craft is known as an aerostat. Examples of Aerostat are:- Airships Kite Balloons                                                                                                                          ...

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